Information on Annie and Greg’s Wedding

The page will point you to resources for getting to and from Annie and Greg’s wedding. Additionally, you can use the Transportation page to ask questions, look for shared rides, celebrate, and otherwise express yourself. Most of what you need can be found at This site offers supplemental information.

Transportation between Logan Airport and Gloucester

Numerous limo services exist for this purpose. But the most economical — and still relatively efficient — means would involve a taxi between Logan and Boston’s North Station, followed by commuter rail. Here’s PDF version of the train schedule (note the differences between weekdays and weekends).

Meal Choices for The Wedding Dinner at the Ocean View Inn

If you haven’t yet sent in your RSVP but are planning to go, please a) send in your RSVP and/or b) email Annie, Fran, or Mark. Most importantly, please designate your meal selection from among the following choices:

  • Chicken
  • Scrod
  • Pumpkin ravioli

3 thoughts on “Information on Annie and Greg’s Wedding

  1. If someone is adventuresome and frugally minded he/she could take a subway. Take the Blue line to Government Center and then the Green line to North Station.

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